Mój koszyk

Koszyk jest pusty


Kč 3100
Cena bez podatku (Kč) Procent podatku Cena z podatkiem (Kč) Cena z podatkiem (Kč)
Cena: 2562 21 538 3100

See I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and bring you to the place I have prepared. So, walk carefully one step at a time and you’ll make that goal just in time.

Kategoria: Women

Luxury hand painted forever silk shawl

Mammoth in size, 140 cm x 180 cm

May be styled in numerous ways

Silk/Modal blend: 30 % SILK, 70% MODAL

Ultrathin fabric

Eyelash fray edges

Hand painted original artwork

Designed and made in Canada with love by Love’s Pure Light


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