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Kč 3100
Prix ​​sans taxes (Kč) Pourcentage de taxe Prix ​​de l'impôt (Kč) Prix ​​avec taxe (Kč)
Prix: 2562 21 538 3100

Blessed are the pure in heart. They will forever see the light of life. Like the Ontario Trillium that SPRINGS UP and sugar coats the forest, bringing Joy and Delight to every person they touch!

Catégorie: Scarves

  • Luxury hand painted forever silk shawl
  • Mammoth in size, 140 cm x 180 cm
  • may be styled in numerous ways
  • Silk/Modal blend: 30 % SILK, 70% MODAL
  • Ultrathin fabric
  • Eyelash fray edges
  • Hand painted original artwork
  • Designed and made in Canada with love by Love’s Pure Light

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